On 15 December 2022 Mauritius joined the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), making it the 157th country to join the PCT Union.* The island’s accession was announced on LinkedIn by WIPO Director General, Daren Tang, in the presence of the Mauritian ambassador to the UN.**

The PCT will enter into force for Mauritius on 15 March 2023. This means that as of this date inventors in Mauritius will be able to file patent applications under the PCT in order to seek patent protection in PCT member states. At the same time non-Mauritian companies will be able to obtain patent protection in Mauritius through the PCT system.

*The country’s instrument of accession was deposited on this date.

**Mrs. Usha Chandnee Dwarka-Canabady, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mauritius to the UN Office and other International Organizations in Geneva.