With effect from 1 November 2022, the Libyan Trademark Office limited the service that it offers to trade mark applications filed by Libyan nationals and companies – it is not entirely clear what the rationale for this step was, although it is our understanding that some internal changes were being introduced at this time.

On 28 May 2023, however, the Trademark Office resumed normal operations – there was apparently a resumption in operations some time in February, but this was short-lived. The upshot is that it is again possible for foreign nationals and companies to register or renew their trade marks in Libya, although it is worth noting that the office is seemingly not issuing filing receipts (we have been told that this is down to a backlog, and that things will be will be put right shortly). As far as we know no ministerial decree confirming this change has been published.

From a procedural perspective, the requirements are as follows:

  • a legalised power of attorney and a company registration document must accompany the application – late filing of these documents is only allowed for applications claiming priority, and,
  • legalised documents must follow within forty (40) days from the date of the application.

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